Climate Change a Concern of Peace and Security: Relooking at Environmental Security

  • Parvesh Shaikh Central Forensic Science Laboratory, DFSS, MHA, GOI
  • Sushma Saggu Security Professional at SIS Limited
Keywords: Climate Change Environmental Security, Environmental Threats, Conflicts


Climate change is an issue of global socio-economic, political and legal importance to governments and businesses across the world. Climate change has grave implication on lives and livelihoods by disturbing the biodiversity. It also causes great environmental concern, as it has the potential to directly pose threat to the primary needs of human society. It has also the potential to cause scarcity of natural resources, primarily due to the failure in demands, thus, resulting in environmental insecurity. Such a situation may act as risks to the stability of societies, leading to possible violent conflicts among them, while threatening human security. The paper highlights the problem of climate change through evidence based global projection of climate change indicators published in reports of various international bodies and research organisations and  how the threats play a role of  multiplier to environmental insecurity and the way forward and effective strategies to mitigate the global concern.


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How to Cite
Shaikh, P., & Saggu, S. (2022). Climate Change a Concern of Peace and Security: Relooking at Environmental Security. GLS Law Journal , 4(1), 22 - 32.