Examination of the Legal-Moral Exigencies of Sports in Developing Nations and Minors
Sports betting has become a viable industry all over the world and in more recent times on the African continent creating jobs and economic opportunities for people and government. However, the secondary effect of sports betting or gambling is crime fuelled by addiction to sports betting. The author points out the dilemma of government in turning a blind eye to the criminality fuelled by the addiction to sports betting and economic opportunities for its citizenry which then necessitates terminologies such as legal gambling. This also creates an environment for the lack of protection of children who could be criminally and civilly exploited by the sports betting industry with no apparent legal consequences especially in developing nations. More, importantly the author tries to create the imagery of other bi-products of sports betting such as Match fixing as a class crime action requiring a special legislative and legal attention to effectively curtail the menace for the good of competitive sports in the world.
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