A study on Exploration of the Potential Application of Renewable Energy in Promoting Environmental Sustainability in India
Energy is the main topic of discussion worldwide, and one important way to differentiate different energy sources is by their effects on the environment. The main goals of renewable energy deployment in India are to reduce climate change, improve energy security, increase access to electricity, and promote economic growth. Utilizing renewable energy is essential to achieving sustainable development since it guarantees access to contemporary, economical, and dependable electricity. Renewable energy has garnered a lot of support as a climate change mitigation method since it is carbon and pollutant free, making it a competitive alternative to fossil fuels. It is gradually becoming a necessary component of the energy mix. Political pressures, governmental regulations, corporate sway, antiquated infrastructure, inadequate battery storage systems, and the state of the market are some of the obstacles that the renewable energy industry must overcome. Widespread use of renewable energy is still a ways off, with some obstacles coming from particular technologies and others from the infrastructure, laws, and market dynamics of today.
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