Critical Analysis of Human Trafficking in India

  • Siddharth Tripathi Student, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad
Keywords: Human Trafficking, Trafficking in Persons, , Child Trafficking, Human Rights Violations, Exploitation


Human trafficking is menace of trading being carried upon human beings which violates their human rights. In today’s modern era there are many people who are stuck as slaves and are generating huge amount of money for their traffickers. Human trafficking undermines the security of every person in a state because it is an organized crime and corrupted. Human trafficking is modern day slavery that involves victims who are coerced, defrauded or forced into sexual or labor exploitation. The victims are being exploited in various forms due to the major factors like poverty, religious/traditional prostitution, lack of employment opportunities, child marriage ,sex tourism and other challenges that directly leads to human trafficking. On this note, this research paper deals with the various issues and challenges which are revolving around the human trafficking. It talks about the process, extent and forms of human trafficking in India. The paper will also guide out the existing legal framework in India against the offence of human trafficking as well as various landmark cases and the steps taken by the government for its prevention and control. The study will be concluded with a critical analysis and the suggestive measures and control mechanism that should be implemented so as to strengthen the existing laws and statutes in order to curb the peril of human trafficking in the country.


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How to Cite
Tripathi, S. (2024). Critical Analysis of Human Trafficking in India . GLS Law Journal , 6(2), 76 - 86.