Laws on Registration of Marriages in India and its Utility

  • Divyam Desai Law Student, BBA.LL.B., Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University
Keywords: Marriages, Registration, Customs, Traditions, Personal Laws


India is a country of diverse customs and traditions. Marriage is a concept which is largely driven by the customs prevalent in the country and because of this there are several legislations on marriage and divorce. The paper will examine how compulsory registration of marriage with uniform procedures can play an important role in avoiding vexatious matrimonial conflicts and other social evils like child marriage etc. The existing laws on registration of marriages and state legislation on compulsory registration after Supreme Court’s guidelines will be closely analyzed. The effectiveness and utility of each law will be analyzed from the bare reading of the law and with the help of case laws.


The Special Marriage Act, 1954.
Grace Sheela Joseph v. P.K. George Vaidian, AIR 1989 Ker 234.
M v. A, (2018) SCC OnLine Del 8005.
The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
The Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936.
The Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936
The Kazis Act, 1880.
The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872.
The Anand Marriage Act, 1909.
B. Sivaramayya, ‘Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages 1962, with Special Reference to India’ (1966) 8 JILI 402.
Kanagavalli and ors. v. Saroja and ors. AIR 2002 Mad 73
Seema v. Ashwani (2006) 2 SCC 578.
National Commission for Women Draft on THE COMPULSORY REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGES BILL, 2005
K.N. Chandrasekharan Pillai, ‘Regulating Marriage and Divorce – Need for a Comprehensive Legislation’ (2006) 48 Journal of the Indian Law Institute 106.
Sangita v. Gurjeet Singh, (2010) SCC OnLine P&H 9538.
Vikram Aditya singh v. UOI AIR 2007 Delhi 101.
Jatinder Singh v. State of Punjab, (2014) SCC OnLine P&H 8261.
Sow. Sushma v. Smt. Malti (2009) SCC OnLine Bom 1267.
Ritu M. Eshwar, 'Model Uniform Civil Code' (2019) 14 Supremo Amicus 216.
Pinninti Venkataramana & Anr. V. State of Andhra Pradesh AIR 1977 AP 43.
Arunkumar v. Inspector General of registration W.P. (MD) NO. 4125 OF 2019 AND W.M.P. (MD) NO. 3220 OF 2019.
The Tamil Nadu Registration of Marriages Act, 2009.
Balakrishnan Pandiyan v. The Superintendent of Police (2014) SCC OnLine Mad 8815.
Kartik Tak v. State of Rajasthan, (2016) SCC OnLine Raj 3291.
Lalmuanawma v. State of Mizoram, (2022) SCC OnLine Gau 988.
Bihar Marriage Registration Rules, 2006.
The Punjab Compulsory Registration of Marriages Act, 2012.
The Delhi (Compulsory Registration of Marriage) order, 2014.
The Haryana Compulsory Registration of marriages Act, 2008.
The Meghalaya Compulsory Registration of Marriage Rules, 2015.
Mr.S.Karunakaran v. Ms.Srileka, C.M.P.No.10093 of 2019, Appeal Suit No.292 of 2019.
How to Cite
Desai, D. (2024). Laws on Registration of Marriages in India and its Utility. GLS Law Journal , 6(1), 67 - 74.