Climate Security: An Evolving Dimension to Climate Change

  • Sharmila R Research Scholar (Law), National Law School of India University, Bengaluru
Keywords: Climate Change, Human Vulnerability, UNSC, Policies, Climate Security


The global phenomenon of climate change has evidently transgressed through every domain of human life and existence. The present-day enormity of climate change makes it more than a mere environmental issue to be a risk or a threat multiplier to the existing human vulnerabilities and grievances in society. The evolving notion of ‘climate security’ summons the idea that climate related changes can endanger the security of humans, ecosystems, economy, infrastructure and societies. At this juncture, it is essential to explore the potential national as well as international security risks that are associated to climate change and to address them appropriately. While the international attempt to bring in the issue of climate change within the mandate of the United Nations Security Council failed to receive desired recognition; it is inevitable to identify the ways and means to approach the arising issue of climate security through national policies. This paper attempts to identify the lacunae in the prevailing domestic policies in addressing the concern of climate security and seeks to suggest requisite reforms for the same.


The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines climate change as ‘a change in the state of the climate that can be identified by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its properties, and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or longer.’ See Generally:

Matt McGrath, Climate Change: IPCC Report Warns of Irreversible Impacts of Global Warming, BBC News, available at: (last visited on June 29, 2022).

The Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibility requires all the nations to jointly hold responsibility to work towards climate change adaptation and mitigation. However, the duty is differential for the Annex-I (developed nations) and Annex-II (developing and least developed nations) countries, with the former required to take the lead.

The six emissions that were covered for the first commitment period of the Protocol were Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Hydrofluorocarbons, Perfluorocarbons and Sulphur Hexafluoride.

The Conference of Parties was established under Article 7 of the UNFCCC for regular review of the implementation of the Convention and any related legal instruments they may adopt.

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) as a potential mechanism for climate financing was proposed at the COP 15 in Copenhagen (2009), was established at the COP 16 in Cancun (2010), received acceptance during the COP 17 in Durban (2011) and was made operational at the UN Climate Summit in 2014. As per the Adaptation Gap Report 2020 of UNEP, the annual cost of adaptation in developing countries is bound to rise to $ 280-500 billion by 2050, while the current levels show that a huge gap persists in extending fiscal support to such nations by the developed ones.

United Nations Environment Programme, Emissions Gap Report 2019 (November 26, 2019) available at: Emissions Gap Report 2019 (

Chapter 2, Human Development Report, United Nations Development Programme 22 (Oxford University Press, New York 1994) available at:

See Generally:

Climate Change and Its Possible Security Implications, Report of the Secretary General, UN GA (September 11, 2009) available at: (last visited on June 29, 2022).

Physical and Social-economic Trends in Climate-related Risks and Extreme Events and their Implications for Sustainable Development, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (November 20, 2008) available at:

Climate Change-Small Island Developing States, UNFCCC, 2005 available at:

Anab Ovidie Grand & Khiera Tariff, Climate-related Peace and Security Risks in Africa, Accord, December 10, 2021 available at: (last visited on June 29, 2022).

Phillip Heinrigs, Security Implications of Climate Change in the Sahel Region: Policy Considerations, OECD-SWAC, 2010 available at:

While 12 nations voted in favour of the resolution, Russia vetoed against it with India supporting them to oppose the draft and China abstaining from voting. See: Suhasini Haider, Why did India Reject UNSC Draft on Climate?, THE HINDU, December 19, 2021 available at: (last visited on June 29, 2022).



Lavanya Rajamani, India’s Negotiating Position on Climate Change: Legitimate but Not Sagacious, CENTER FOR POLICY RESEARCH ISSUE BRIEF (November 2, 2007).

Aniruddh Mohan, From Rio to Paris: India in Global Climate Politics, 2 (3) RISING POWERS QUARTERLY 39-61 (2017).

The missions under the NAPCC 2008 were National Missions for Solar Energy, Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Habitat (to enhance energy efficiency in buildings, management of solid waste, better public transport), Water (to conserve water, to minimize wastage and to ensure equitable distribution), Himalayan Ecosystem (to safeguard the Himalayan glacier and mountain eco-system), Green India (to enhance eco-system through afforestation), Sustainable Agriculture (to make our agriculture resilient to climate change) and Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change (to fund research and technology development on climate change). On a revisit to the Missions in 2016, the government has proposed to set up new missions on Wind Energy, Health, Waste to Energy and Coastal Areas as well as to redesign the Missions on Water and Sustainable Agriculture.

Tanushree Chandra, Pricing Carbon: Trade-Offs and Opportunities for India, OBSERVER RESEARCH FOUNDATION, June 05, 2021 available at: (last visited on June 30, 2022).

Hey, What Exactly are Carbon Credits?, THE ECONOMIC TIMES, August 29, 2005 available at: (last visited on June 30, 2022).

Planning Commission of India, Twelfth Five Year Plan, Economic Sector 138 (2012-17) at para.14.28 & 14.29.

Sasan (M.P.), Mundra (Gujarat), Krishnapatnam (A.P.), Tilaiya (Jharkhand) See:

Cheyyur (TN), Kakwara (Bihar), Bedabahal (Odisha), Deoghar (Jharkhand), Bijoypatna (Odisha), Kalahandi (Odisha) and Etah (UP). See:

Das, B., Pandya, M., Chaudhari, S., Bhatt, A., & Trivedi, D. (2021). Global Research Trends and Network Visualization on Climate Action : A Bibliometric Study. Library Philosophy and Practice (E-Journal).

Manoj Kumar Upadhyay, Analyzing the Impact of Clean Coal Technology on the Overall Energy Scenario in Energizing India, NITI Aayog & IEEJ (2017) available at:

Re, Court on its own motion v. State of Himachal Pradesh & Ors., CWPIL No. 15 of 2010.

Gaurav Kumar Bansal v. Union of India and Ors., Original Application No. 498 of 2014.

Ridhima Pandey v. India, 2017 available at:

Indian Council for Enviro-Legal Action v. Ministry of Environment, Original Application No. 170 of 2014.

See Generally:

India: Third Biennial Update Report to UNFCCC, Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, 2021 available at:

As per the Panchmrit solution as proposed by the Prime Minister (at the Glasgow Summit), a five-fold plan has been promised which encompasses a) increasing non-fossil energy capacity to 500 GW by 2030 b) meeting 50% of energy requirements with renewable energy by 2030 c) reducing one billion tonnes of total projected carbon emissions by 2030 d) reducing the carbon intensity of the economy to less than 45% and e) thus achieving net-zero emissions by 2070.

Jayashree Nandi, G20 Leaders Agree to 1.5 Degree Celsius Global Warming Target, HINDUSTAN TIMES, November 01, 2021 available at:

How to Cite
R, S. (2023). Climate Security: An Evolving Dimension to Climate Change. GLS Law Journal , 5(2), 83-93.