Environmental Change and its effect on well-being: Indian Scenario

  • Rahul Mishra Associate Professor of Law, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) Bangalore
Keywords: International Law, Case Studies, Pollution, Water, Supreme Court


There is well established consensus that the earth is getting warmed at a rate unprecedented during the post hunter-gatherer human existence. The third assessment report of the intergovernmental Panel on Climate change so published in the year 2001, explains further stating that “there is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming so observed over the last fifty years is likely to be attributable to human activities”. These does include not only rising surface temperatures, but also increasingly frequent floods and droughts and changes in natural ecosystems. All such changes may be linked to the health of human societies. Climate conditions do affect human wellbeing both directly and indirectly, through the influences on the levels of pollution in the Air, on the agriculture land, marine and freshwater systems that provide us basic stuff for survival. Keeping this in mind, the researcher would like to unearth the hidden complexities pertaining to this subject of discussion thereby defining the role of the international community with special reference to India thereby highlighting the major cause accountable for the climate change which are going to create very serious health hazards in times to come. Ultimately, the researcher would like to recommend certain suggestions in order to mitigate this issue to a great extant.


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Source: http://ravislibrary.blogspot.com/2016/11/morning-mantra-samudre-vasne-devi.htm Meaning:
o ocean-draped, o adorned with mountain breasts, o consort of Vishnu, forgive me for stepping on you.
How to Cite
glslawjournal, glslawjournal. (2023). Environmental Change and its effect on well-being: Indian Scenario. GLS Law Journal , 5(2), 25-34. https://doi.org/10.69974/glslawjournal.v5i2.100